ok to celebrate the release of the new ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.4.zip finally compatible (just compatible not perfect as the UnFreeZe thing) with the masters server and giving the circumstances that on previous fight .WhoAmI?! was seriously handicapped (not even configured game plus terrible connectivity) I launch here now the rematch of this top ranked duel in the hopes that conditions are more fair now. ok, I won't set deadlines this time, I just open the thread and I hope that, sooner or later, this fight will just end happening. that being said, I still look forward setting it in weeks term or a month at most.
if I recall correctly .WhoAmI?! preferred times to play are week days evenings/nights, he doesn't use to be available on weekends (though may be with the corona situation it could have changed, just saying, I don't know). about Miroslav we haven't heard anything so far but I guess that he will likely end up dropping by here at some time or another and he'll probably still be as excited as last time in fighting you but, of course, we still have to hear it from him. let's no assume, so please answer back when you can play this fight.
as for the format and all that I believe that you don't need me to repeat you all of that yet again. if someone has any questions/requests or anything just post it here. only as a reminder remember that you have to chose two different maps from the official server map pool posted bellow (no downloads required, other than the official ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.4.zip package) prior to the fight and that there's the no written, not enforced to some extend, rule of trying to set matches all in different maps. funny, the random tie-breaker map that came out was pukka3tourney2 but remember that we can chose any other one if everybody agrees (me included, though this time it seems very fitting).
map pool: bloodcovenant hektik_b3 hub3aeroq3 hub3tourney1 phantq3dm1_rev pro-q3dm13 pro-q3dm6 pro-q3tourney2 pro-q3tourney4 pro-q3tourney7 pukka3tourney2 q3dm2 q3dm5 q3tourney3 qxtourney1 ztn3tourney1
Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
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Re: Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
Of course I can play. In general, I can play with Miroslav from time to time.
Maybe now I will have a better chance
I will choose the maps later if Miroslav confirms that he will play.
Maybe now I will have a better chance

I will choose the maps later if Miroslav confirms that he will play.
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Re: Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
good that's cool I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that. apparently he's been afk last weeks but I'm sure that at some time or another he'll show up. anyways aimer haven't found a opponent yet here for a tittle fight, why don't fight him? statistically speaking looks like a balanced fight and I'm sure it should serve you as a very good experience to better take on Miroslav.
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Re: Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
btw now that the stats site for this, masters.fpsclasico.de, are almost complete I wonder if there's enough interest to resume this fight? I believe that enough time has passed so ami should have had time more than enough to prepare then may be some weekday night during this August 2021 holidays is a good time to make this rematch finally happen? I think it would be a great showdown between the masters undisputed champion and arguably the historic number 1 UnFreeZe player of all time (i.e. the individual UnFreeZe undisputed champion according to the stats site) for the ultimate fpsclasico all-round undisputed individual player tittle of 2021.
for the rest nothing else have changed here other than the updated map pool posted down bellow then let me know if you want to make it.
for the rest nothing else have changed here other than the updated map pool posted down bellow then let me know if you want to make it.
- map pool:
- q3dm2 , q3dm5 , pro-q3dm6 , q3tourney2 , pro-q3tourney2 , q3tourney3 , q3tourney4 , pro-q3tourney4 , q3dm13 , pro-q3dm13 , pro-q3tourney7 , bloodcovenant , cpm1a , cpm3a , cpm15 , cpm24 , hektik_b3 , hub3aeroq3 , hub3tourney1 , phantq3dm1_rev , pukka3tourney2 , q3shw19 , qxtourney1 , storm3tourney1 , ztn3tourney1
- mappack: masters_mappack.zip
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Re: Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
100$ for WhoAmI ! : D
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Re: Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
hi guys
Ami is probably the best unfreeze player with most natural skill but has not been too much into osp duel. If he wants to fight in osp duel anyways and people want to see it I am in, of course
Ami is probably the best unfreeze player with most natural skill but has not been too much into osp duel. If he wants to fight in osp duel anyways and people want to see it I am in, of course

Last edited by fernandinho1337 on Tue Jan 23, 2024 20:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
I know, unless you're within 10/100 meters away from the server (i.e. on the same room or building at most) and extensively played this during the development phase of your brain (i.e. during your teenager years so it got recorded as a primal skill on the cerebellum itself and therefor you no longer have to think about it, you merely act on a instinct) this is hardly playable (at least at that kind of over-the-top level) but anyways, as I also said, despite that I don't think it's that bad after all (i.e. still playable/fun nevertheless) and now that there's the stats site he (ami) virtually came last at any relevant metric. I mean, the only thing he accomplished so far at the masters server was telefrag you twice at the first aeroq3 game to defend a 25-2 losing score. he took all the rockets and lightning but did almost nothing with them, almost anybody did some better. I don't think his current masters profile reflect his actual skill (even considering the settings/setup difference), not at least comparatively, then I think that this can be a good time to finally settle the score and even that out. I believe he had more than enough time to prepare and data to come up with a solid plan/strategy this time. additionally your first duel is actually the most popular fpsclasico YouTube video so I think that it would be pretty cool to make a rematch finally happen and give the fans the fight they want. anyways, thanks for the input, let's see if he finally gets into this too now that you joined the discussion.
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Re: Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
I don't know, I played quake for the first time when I was well in my twenties.
Then again, I'm not that great and I find planning what to do, positioning, keeping track of items, weapons, enemy health etc. quite hard and taxing. When I talk to people who started playing early it feels like they make their decisions more automatically, even if they are not that great. I've never learned really how to time items by feeling, just seems impossible to me to have such a grip of time. I can do it on empty server at best, or by cycling them. So you may have a point there.
Then again, I'm not that great and I find planning what to do, positioning, keeping track of items, weapons, enemy health etc. quite hard and taxing. When I talk to people who started playing early it feels like they make their decisions more automatically, even if they are not that great. I've never learned really how to time items by feeling, just seems impossible to me to have such a grip of time. I can do it on empty server at best, or by cycling them. So you may have a point there.
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Re: Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
I was thinking mostly about lag play (i.e. the lack of unlagged) with that (over)statement but yes at the end of the day all the same and what adds to some craving that even till this day (it got recorded deep on their brains) but anyways as I see it, you do pretty good already. yes, I always thought the same but after setup the masters stat site it turns out you masters most metrics already. may be you just need to step up your rocket game some and probably dig the machine gun a bit more and not get so much obsessed with the lightning gun. for other than that you seem to be doing top already. anyways btw now that I setup a new (ql)masters server may be it's of your interest to give it a play too and/or may be eventually it might even come handy for this miro ami rematch (I heard ami was big on ql duels then may be that makes it more interesting) so let me know if you're interested.
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Re: Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
adminless wrote: ↑Fri May 01, 2020 13:41 good that's cool I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that. apparently he's been afk last weeks but I'm sure that at some time or another he'll show up. anyways aimer haven't found a opponent yet here for a tittle fight, why don't fight him? statistically speaking looks like a balanced fight and I'm sure it should serve you as a very good experience to better take on Miroslav.
Ami says maybe towards November he can fight , still has hardware and internet problems
That makes us noobs feel better that he still beats us with no mercy lol with busted hardware and intermittent 4g hahaha
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Re: Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
I know, I was looking forward August because is generally a time when people use to be mostly free (holydays etc), but November sounds also good to me. ok so we'll see, hopefully by that time the qlmasters server have kicked off too so may be we can end up doing the rematch at quakelive instead of the classic/regular masters server if that's more convenient.
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Re: Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
Good idea
Maybe then i got time to get a good ql config going and get used to the different sense tho i have to admit i will not be able to spend too much time on it but will prolly be fine too ^^
Maybe then i got time to get a good ql config going and get used to the different sense tho i have to admit i will not be able to spend too much time on it but will prolly be fine too ^^
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Re: Miroslav vs .WhoAmI?! II
well you'll have a try out fight first so it shouldn't be much of a problem for you. yes, I think so, he said he was big on qlive before he joined here and also I would be lying if I would deny that this (UnFreeZe) isn't somehow influenced by qlive too. so yes given that he is huge on UnFreeZe and that qlive plays lot similar to UnFreeZe than osp does, I believe is probably the best setup to make this fight happen. it's just unfortunate on qlive there's no dedicated spectators/stats but well it's what it's. at least I hope everything should work and there will be community data and videos (I mean, that's what the qlmasters event is for, to try out the whole thing).
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