fpsclassico project funding

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fpsclassico project funding

Post by adminless »

hey hi everybody

well after already more than a year running these adminless related services on its own and since it looks like lately I've been quite active at the support at this board I believe that finally it came the time to bring this post here and share this.

ok, first let me start saying that this is not about spam you (that I hate) for money or scam you with shit like F2P gaming models (that i hate, even more) or with cheap lies like over priced services (i.e. reselling) or ("imaginary") issues, no, I've never done shit like that and I could tell that before resort to shit like that I would rather close this instead, and neither this post means any kind of "warning" of any sort since as I write this (November 2017) I can guarantee you first hand 100% sure that these services are already paid to run at least for another year more (i.e. November 2018) and even after that if nothing really changes (i.e. this keeps working reasonably good) I'll be most likely looking forward to keep them running anyways.

so, once cleared that at the same time I also know well from experience that in the long term is a important factor here to bring some financial support too then before fuck all this up with some shitty advertisement models (that I won't either) I believe this mean to be the most appropriate. finally, with this thread I'm not trying to start a discussion about this matter (this thread will even be locked) or even telling what you should do (that is none of my business), with this I'm just giving you the freedom to support this project (or not) just if you want and know that whether option you freely choose it's totally up to you and I'll be totally fine with that. it's not the purpose of this to starting treating people differently based on who gave and who didn't give money for the servers (and this also specifically means, don't expect anything other than what you had already got in return either, if you do, then please, do not send me any money).

if you have read this far, thanks for your time, and also know that if you finally decide on your own to support this project know that you can do it in the links down bellow this paragraph and that any amount for low that is, be it 3, 2 or just 1 buck, matters so don't feel bad about that.
adminless wrote:PayPal Links:
  • paypal.me/adminless (<-- preferred does not have fees, use this whenever possible)
  • paypal.fpsclassico.com (fail-safe in case you don't have paypal/doesn't work, it also accepts credit cards and recurrent payments)
International Links:
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Re: fpsclassico project funding

Post by adminless »

well after 5 months of starting this thread I believe that is time for a small report here about the financial matters and I also come with good news here, although the number of contributors have been mostly low, just 3 people, at least during these 5 months a total of 50 euros of contributions have been made which doesn't suffice to cover the cost of running this website but at least covered the cost and full budged of running the UnFreeZe game servers on its own so major props and thanks to these supporters. as a consequence of this and as a compromise to the people who support this, the main server has been properly escalated to get rid of those long standing issues so it has now more cpu and more resources which will raise the standard and will smooth it under those evening heavy loads, targeting the current 10€/month budget (if someone wonders here the website target budget is of 20€/month instead which I also believe that is a important service here) and the secondary/backup one will be moved to a spare dev/backup machine at another data center/location for better coverage and improved long term availability whose cost (as well as personal/development etc etc) we're not going to account for now.

not trying to pressure anybody with this but I also must say that in the long term for this to really work I would really like to see more people getting involved with this than just always the same guys that have to carry with everything, nevertheless I remark once again, feel free to do whatever you want, I'm not telling you what to do, I'm simply reporting me here and making this post at least to publicly thank those guys who chose on their own to help this running with their own money.
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Re: fpsclassico project funding

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ok, I think that after almost 7 months it's time for another report here about the financial matters. so results for this interval of time have been worse than the previous report, this time just 40 euros of contributions have been received on this almost 7 months but only from 2 sources which one of them stopped playing here and thus ended up being mostly just only one source during this period. on the long run, at this level of quality, unless a couple of more guys join as financial supporters, either regularly or just casually, this is obviously unsustainable. coincidentally thanks to the higher integration of the services after this season migration work here (another of the reasons behind it) this level of support has been enough once again to fully support the (equivalent part of the) well know UnFreeZe server that it's almost exclusively the reason why we're all here. however that being said unfortunately things turned out differently as I had specified them and there's more than just that and after the migration be it for some reasons (not always at my fault) or another ones I basically ended paying virtually the same (on absolute terms, on relative terms I more than doubled the value of the products themselves). to sum up you here so you can get an idea of the current costs I'll drop here now a schema with the different services and their budgets, keep in mind that unfortunately as usual due to rogue competence I can not post here all the exact details, however I believe that it should suffice to get an idea. then the current costs go like this (on whole numbers):
  • main server:
    • description: fully dedicated (let's remark it, that I'm really fed up of people's non-sense, get your facts straight) enterprise grade server at the core of central Europe by number 1 Deutschland dedicated servers' company
    • cost: 30€/month (UnFreeZe/FreeFUn game servers proportional cost 8€/month | web services proportional cost 8€/month)
  • backup server, low-latency south west route, masters rank game server, former web services park:
    • description: fully allocated (let's remark it, that I'm really fed up of people's non-sense, get your facts straight) professional grade high availability cloud resources by number 1 European hosting company
    • cost: 10€/month
  • low latency south east route:
    • description: small dedicated (let's remark it, that I'm really fed up of people's non-sense, get your facts straight) fully virtual server by a leading south east European hosting company
    • cost: 5€/month
  • domains (adminless.ovh, unfreeze.xyz, oclockservers.uk, fpsclasico.de, fpsclasico.eu):
    • description: adminless.ovh, oclockservers.uk and fpsclasico.eu by number 1 European hosting company. fpsclasico.de by number 1 Deutschland dedicated servers' company. unfreeze.xyz by a international leading registrar.
    • total cost: 28€/year [eq. 3€/month] (.ovh cost 3€/year, .de cost 4€/year, .uk cost 5€/year, .eu cost 6€/year, .xyz cost 10€/year)
  • total cost: 48€/month (close to 600€ a year)
luckily I got good deals on some of those things and also on some of them I managed to get extensions from old services so hopefully most of them are already paid to run at least for around a year more. but anyways for the most part as can be seen after some time it ends up being big money in particular all the fancy "extra" (but unfortunately well needed) services like the low latency routes and in less amount the bunch of extra domains for safety countermeasures. so like I said I'm not writing this message now in a "hey I need your money or I'll close these things" way in order to threaten you or something, I remark once again most of those things are already paid or are planned to be paid at least for around a year more, I'm just giving you a information so you can know how this goes. in particular I can tell you right now, that I'm ok about paying myself for the main server and a couple of spare domains (i.e. 30-35 €/month) however for the rest of the extra services (in particular the low latency routes) to keep running on the long term you should probably start contributing some money now as I can tell that I don't really see me keep paying for them well after let's say 2020 or so, keep that in mind.

well and that's it with this financial report, I hope it helps those indecisive guys to make their mind about contributing with some financial help here and that overall at least a couple of guys become financial supporters from time to time because as you can see if someone just by chance could think that I'm making (or I'm gonna make) some money out of this, it's totally wrong, you would actually have to donate like 4 figure numbers just to break even and that even not to count the endless amount of hours I spent on this to ensure that it runs 24/7 always with the maximum quality. in the end it can fairly be said that you wouldn't be "contributing" with any money for any severs, you would actually be spending money on some quality servers yourself (just as you actually spend it on quality equipment).

hopefully at least no money got lost on fees during this period so just to finish the post remember you that you can freely send me money for these services at this address, paypal.me/adminless, or if you prefer just the paypal address for this is, paypal@fpsclassico.com (notice that it changed from the former adminless.ovh domain).

best regards
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Re: fpsclassico project funding

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btw something that was raised to me by a user this morning and that I had missed to account for and that I had overlooked here is the fact that not every EU state member has adopted the euro as its currency as well as the fact that although this obviously mainly targets Europeans it's also played on other places of the world like north america for example and therefore not everybody here it's comfortable making money transfers on euros that apparently it was the only currency my paypal account accepted at the moment. then now to account for that fact if I didn't get it wrong I added support for any relevant paypal supported currency to my paypal account so now you should be able to send money for the servers on your local currency or just on any relevant supported currency of your choice. it should work "as is" just by selecting the appropriate currency on the recommended fee free link, paypal.me/adminless, but in case it does not work or you just can not use that link (don't have paypal for example) or you simply want to make you contribution recurrent, I created the following paypal direct links on the local currencies for you to use on these cases:
and that's it, hope that helps, if anyone else has any more problems or any other question feel free to drop a message at the contact form here.
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Re: fpsclassico project funding

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ok, after a very long time not writing here, I think that after more than ten months since the previous report is time to drop an update here. so this time I have surprisingly good news, during this period a total of 177.54 euros and 15 US dollars were raised from 5 different sources, which on whole numbers it roughly translates into about 20 euros per month of financial support. 20 euros a month is probably around the commercial price of running only the UnFreeZe game server (from where the contributions are coming) as well as this site (including the stats) both with reasonable, adequate quality settings, so this is finally a goal archived for this period. great job guys, this level of support ensures that even on times of hardship it should be possible to keep running this and of course it ensures these servers keep running just as they are doing for another long time.

as summary, there was a total of 9 contributions during this time averaging 19.73 euros and 1.67 US dollars and the peak contribution was of 80 euros. out of the 15 US dollars received about 10 were used directly to pay for the unfreeze.xyz domain (which run on american company) and the whole rest of the money was used to pay directly for the servers themselves (under the common European market). just a few cents were lost altogether on fees meaning an spectacular financial efficiency (beyond 99%). but anyways don't let this positive figures discourage any potential new contributor, know that every amount, even if small, add ups and it definitively matters.

so that's it for now, I must admit that I'm a bit confused to find out that many (if not probably most) of the long standers at the servers never dropped to spend just a couple of euros (or whatever their local currency is) at least once on the servers in more than two years already. but anyways, whatever the case is, thankfully the current level of financial support here is finally good enough both in number of contributors as well as in volume of contributions and thanks to that I make this post to express my gratitude for this and encourage the community to keep it up.

great job guys :thumbsup:
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Re: fpsclassico project funding

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ok, following this season new infrastructure changes I consequently update this thread to reflect the new costs of running these services. first start saying that I believe that is as important as spend enough money on this to have a minimum degree of quality guarantee as is to not end up overspending without sense. with that in mind, and always looking forward proving some better end user services, I proceed this season to replace the former low latency routes by just one better (comparable to the main one) alternative route as well as close the currently irrelevant adminless.ovh domain. that domain costs weren't all that significant (just happened neither it was) however the former low latency routes clearly were. both routes together almost account for a third of the total cost of all the services together and in relative terms they cost about as twice as the main game servers alone they serve while only bringing back close to a third of the traffic (which is about the traffic respective to the regions they targeted). in simple words, they were overpriced and, to some extend, already outdated/irrelevant products and they unquestionably bear an overcost for the project.

being aware of that, I've spent some good long time looking for some solid quality alternative until I finally got a new alternative route that can serve almost about everyone at a much more adjusted price (comparable to that of the relative part of the servers they serve and about a half of the cost of the both former low latency routes together). not only this change resulted in a cost reduction of close to ten euros a month (i.e. about a 20% off over the total) that it even results in a much better service quality overall with this route now providing close to half the traffic (which now, yes, it's proportional and adequate to its cost). then finally this cut the total cost of all the services run here to exactly 38.86 euros and 0.92 us dollars a month as taken from the bills themselves including any single extra fee, tax, charge and everything or just in whole rounded numbers simply 40 euros a month. overall I feel like this is now about the best budget you'll can ever get and adequate for what we run here. the only margins for improvements on this aspect I'd see are probably in the order of just a few euros at most over this, definitively nothing significant.

well, while we are at it let's also drop a report of the money you've sent during these last five months now. this time a total of 129.22 euros and 10 us dollars were received from five different sources in seven transactions averaging 18.46 euros and 1.43 us dollars. that equals to a support of 25.84 euros and 2 us dollars a month. these are excellent figures and while they still don't account for the total sum after this cost adjustment they are definitively starting to get very close to it so I'm very grateful to anybody who gave and helped make possible to run this in the long term, thank you very much.

finally remember that anyone who want to give have the links to do so at the top of this thread as well as on the links tab and that any amount counts. also if you've got any questions, issues or anything with these links/processes don't hesitate to contact me about it.
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Re: fpsclassico project funding

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ok now that I think that the basic things for this new 2021 season at fpsclasico are finally done I update here (with a bit of delay from the expected "around Christmas date") the funding situation during this period. so, since the previous report (the Tuesday 10 of March of 2020) a total gross funding of 1045.61 euros, 65 US dollars, 250 czech korunas and 5 pounds sterling have been received that ultimately resulted on a net cash value of 1108.39 euros from 18 different sources (i.e. people) in 39 different transactions against total services costs of 748.54 euros, all spent exclusively on European based companies, corresponding to three months of the former server (91.5 euros), nine months of the new server (479.61 euros), eleven months of the nbg2/backup/alternative route server (89.43 euros), the setup fee of the new server (47.19 euros), the prorated costs of the domains (22.59 euros), two domain transfers (to support dnssec, 14.23 euros) and a spare Windows 10 pro oem digital license (for the in-hose workstation, 3.99 euros). or simply put in other words this period funding resulted on a value of around 100 euros a month against 68 euros a month of total costs on rounded numbers which led to a final surplus of 359.85 euros.

as can be seen this has been a exceptional result that it surpassed even the most optimistic projections. I mean, when I upgraded the server I obviously did so noting/foreseeing a increase on the funding though I didn't even expect it to hit the 100 euros/month mark (my projections were more in the 60-80 range, approx) so that was really exceptional of you guys, thank you very much for your hard efforts in supporting this. make sure that I fully understand how these services have become a important part of the life of various here, even more during these difficult times, and that I'll take any steps necessary to ensure their continuity as well as to keep them relevant to the best of my ability in accordance. matter of fact, it's not really that I will take any further steps and/or that I will do this or that, it's that for the most part I've already done it as we speak and hence the delay on this update as I understood that at the end of the day you sent me the money for that, to put a effort and keep the things going, so you'd probably rather prefer me organizing things and taking good care of the community than writing a thank you very much here but doing actually nothing.

needless to say that at the current total costs of ~64 euros/month (yes, I finally dropped for the most part the re-selling idea and ended up taking the in-house workstation, I mean, it ultimately proved fundamental to maintain this, as well as the spare vps for testing/extra services) the current surplus of 359.85 euros during this period will automatically ensure 100% that these services will keep operating at least exactly as-is until August 2021 (i.e. +5 months more). that being said I hope now the people don't get just that and they drop the funding altogether from now onward because August ain't really that far at all (I mean, when you look forward a long term service like this) and the margins are also crucial in the event of issues and/or service upgrades (as could have seen) and that's not even to mention the work I put in keeping this going and taking good care of it which is also worth a (undisclosed/unknown) value in its own. then as usual I never pressed anybody here and/or anywhere else for funding, not even during the long years where the current surplus value was about the actual deficit instead, much less I'm gonna do it now, far from that, but at least at the same time I would also like end up saying that if you're currently a recurrent fpsclasico funder or just someone else who gave already and are reading this, I'd really encourage you to keep up your support for these services nevertheless and continue giving what you feel conformable in giving and what you feel that these services are worth for you whatever the amount is.

ok, I think that's all for now here, thank you very much and excellent job guys :thumbsup:
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Re: fpsclassico project funding

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well as mentioned on the 2021 new servers report and as it was time by the end of the year here is the funding report for this Monday 8 of February of 2021 till the Wednesday 1 of December of 2021 (i.e. till this December at the time of the writing of the new servers report) period. the report for this December of 2021 I'll separate it as that thread did really change the situation, dramatically.

ok as for the funding situation a total of 713.67 euros, 53.49 us dollars and 250 czeska korunas of gross funds have been received during this period amounting a total net value of 754.91 euros from 20 different sources in 32 transactions. that means a average net transaction value of 23.59 euros every 9.22 days or basically a net funding of 77.89 euros per month on average. the individual funding recurrence has been of 1.6 transactions per funder during this period (around 10 months, 295 days). once again another exceptional result that exactly matched the 75 euros budget target of the previous services I was working with so overall excellent job guys. at the same time it's important to note that those are average values across the whole period. the net situation for half a year prior the December servers post (i.e. from 1/06 till 1/12) was of just only 29.21 euros per month on average which once again, I repeat, it was a great figure nevertheless, thank you very much about that, but it was very far from the current around 65-75 euros per month target budget of these services at the same time. that situation is what led to my remarks about the funding on the new servers report.

ok as for the costs during this period the total has amount to 783.04 euros or basically a average cost of 78.3 euros per month as advertised at the time on the servers. such cost corresponded to 8 months of the previous main server (426.32 euros), 8 months of the previous alternative route (65.04 euros), 10 months (proportional) of the former unfreeze.xyz domain (7.45 euros), 10 months (proportional) of the former oclockservers.uk domain (4.03 euros), 3 months of the new main server (119.97 euros), 3 months of the new secondary server (75 euros), 10 months (proportional) of the main fpsclasico.de domain (4.23 euros), 10 months (proportional) of the secondary fpsclasico.eu domain (7.63 euros), 9 months of the regional/spare baltic machine (43.47 euros), 9 months of a new seo optimized/spare fpsclassico.com domain (8.61 euros) and the google developer/publisher fee (25 us dollar gross, 21.29 euros net). as can be seen this meant that by this December 2021 at the time of writing of the new servers report these services were entering deficit once again and running from the balance of previous period, no good. it's also important to note that the previous servers were migrated before the price increase of the booked ip services due the IPv4 exhaustion situation (on notice, approx) so they do no include that (forecoming) over-cost which would have obviously made the situation even worse.

as usual for other than the google developer/publisher gross fee of 25 us dollars (net 21.29 euros) and the paypal gross operational costs of 2.92 us dollars, 22.25 ceska korunas and 8.35 euros in fees (already deducted on the gross/net funding difference) which are pretty much kind of monopolies on their respective sectors and hence do not have any real alternatives all the rest of the money (i.e. +98%) has been spent exclusively on European Union based small and mid size companies like the ones at what most of you probably work. this essentially means that all the money you sent to fpsclasico has been used to promote the local economy and growth as much as realistically possible.

overall I think the google store investment proved to be the best move as the app got over 10k downloads (yes, +10000 downloads) and other over 5k "intro" views in just 10 months and has a installed audience of close to 700 devices at the time of writing which is crazy. just for a one time 21.29 euros investment I couldn't really think of any other better way to promote this at all. that really went way beyond expectation and hopefully I also work it out some on the next coming season. for the rest as noted, in addition to the already documented servers migration and the start of the new baltic regionalized machine on March during this period when it comes to the domains this month I finally closed the former/original unfreeze.xyz and oclockservers.uk domains as they weren't really meaningful anymore and replaced them with a new fpsclassico.com spare domain I also got back in March along the baltic machine which probably was a much better seo option for a spare domain than those.

ok and basically I believe that should be it with the funding report for this period. now in what follows for future periods I believe that I'm gonna to start dropping this thread and probably simply just start a new one where I will go announcing (unless you're a company and wanna promote you or something completely anonymously of course) any new transaction received in addition to also the private communication to confirm you the reception of course. I believe that by now everybody should know how this go so probably this kind of report may feel a bit too overcomplicated and unnecessary to some. I have the feeling just a normal thread to announced any funds transaction can work much better and even provide a better tracking for the community than this (kind of) yearly funding reports so basically I'll start that thread next with the last received transaction and then we'll see how it turns out. if it doesn't work out and/or if necessary/applies I'll simply update this once again no big deal. also a public (anonymous I repeat) announcement is good in the sense that paypal has recently starting to obscure the sender email address in various cases and/or some people don't even have valid paypal email addresses which unfortunately in some cases it led to inability to confirm the transaction from my end. that should address that and for the current monthly average service costs they should be well known by now, 69.71 euros per month in total (39.99+25+2.58+0.96+0.76+0.42 of the main, secondary and baltic servers plus the com, eu and de fpsclasico domains respectively in a nutshell). if anything (significant) changes from that, I'll write it around here as usual.

finally please once again end the report by writing some thanks to everybody who gave and made this possible. know that if it wouldn't because of your efforts it wouldn't be possible to keep providing these services month after month over all these years. I really hope these services helped improve your life in some way and brought joy to your everyday experience. thank you very much.
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Re: fpsclassico project funding

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ok and as for this December of 2021 affordmentioned separated funding report after the new servers report the gross result has been of a total of 203.19 euros received totaling a net value of 198.41 euros from 4 different sources in 4 transactions. as mentioned on the previous report, a total game changer that turns around the situation from deficit to a surplus and that will obviously secure this at least for the next coming months. thank you very much.

for the rest as said I'll catch you about this on a new (once again anonymous of course) funds transaction announcement thread.
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Re: fpsclassico project funding

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ok just as a small 2022 fall update here without going into as much detail as on previous reports as can be seen on the public funds announcement thread here a total of 571.23 gross € have been received during this nine month period resulting in a gross funding of 63.47 €/Month which is at the time of writing already bellow these services current costs. moreover and more worrisome than that figure that is nevertheless a great and adequate level of support is the current trend, one needs to look about three months ago to find a single transaction, meaning the current summer season average is barely of 16.67 gross €/Month. hopefully as there was still some spare funds left this made it till here however just letting you know here that basically this month the funds have ran out meaning this October income server costs (the typical bill day cycle is around the twenties of each month) has been paid directly from my bank account instead which as I said is perfectly fine with me here and there but you should also be aware that is obviously something I can't keep in the long run at these costs just like that on a regular basis month after month. basically this means that I guess I'll just continue to run these services as they currently are now at least for this 2022 fall season anyways and if then by the winter/end of the year no more significant amount of funding have been received that make it feasible to keep running them just like this over 2023 then I guess I'll be obliged to scale them down more appropriately to a more realistic/manageable budget which obviously will result in lower than excellent service as is now. as said I still look forward to keep running them anyways in the long run but then in such case it will be more of a bulk/generic service solution than the current state of the art/gaming service solution that is now so overall it will be a sensibly lower/more limited solution and service.

as usual for those finally interested in supporting these services and help them keep running month after month remember that you probably have all the relevant fpsclassico funding links and addresses at the bottom of the links forum tab or that you can as well reach me directly about it through the forum contact point here in case you have any questions and/or need any more information about this. in this latter case please make sure as well to look on your spam/junk folder for my response to your contact afterwards just in case your email provider forwarded it there. additionally as I reviewed the international funding links after the European Union leaders completely failed to mediate and work some realistic compromises into a conflict nobody wanted neither had asked for and instead allowed themselves to be fully dragged into a situation where there's probably a lot more to lose than there's to win which is probably little or very little preceded by years of aggressive monetary/debt spending policy and total shutdowns/lockdowns policies due a virus situation that led to major global supply shocks and stress turns out the currency as well as the current economic outlook of the union has gone down the toilet and it simply looks like it has receded around a decade in time. at least on the upside of that that means that now it's a perfect opportunity and a optimum moment for people aboard of the union that might had been hesitant to give due the union strength and difference in currencies to finally contribute (either directly in euros or in some of the available local currencies) as well and make the most out of the buck to help this keep running.
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Re: fpsclassico project funding

Post by adminless »

just as a small update here without going into the level of detail of previous reports basically just letting you guys all know that this month finally the funds you sent for this and that were stored in the paypal account has ran out which obviously means that I paid this month of services with my own money instead. as can been seen in the funds received thread here it has been more than two months already without receiving a single transaction and if we take a look at the last five months cycle there has been barely three transactions amounting only 62.2 Euros or basically just one month of services cost in total (i.e. around a fifth of the total for that period). what's even more worrisome than that is that is typically during this season of the year when the funds are usually raised that then go a long a way in sustaining the service for the rest of the year. I mean, that's exactly how these services has gone this long despite the low funding level during this period. as usual, obviously after more than a decade running servers and other services in my own I have no problems in also paying for them myself, thankfully that's not a big deal for me, however at the same time I also want to be upfront and not mislead people here, for this to continue running like this it's necessary that you keep up with the funding as usual since the current level of funding over the last half of the year (approx) is clearly not enough to sustain these services in the long run. with that I'm not saying that I'm just gonna cancel them the Friday day 1 or just by the end of the year, although I could perfectly do that to be honest with you, but obviously if the funding doesn't keep up in the long run I'll have to cut them in one way or another to adjust them to a more modest (i.e. realistic) budged. I assume nobody here wants that and also to be honest with you, I don't even really see much where to cut this time as before. I believe that by now virtually all the services are put to good use and kind of necessary (for a good standard) so it's a bit hard to understand that the actual funding at the time with over four hundred daily different unique players a day (or even more) is comparable just to what it was like five years ago when the whole thing was merely comparable just to the events we actually run these days alone. obviously there's a significant mismatch there and that's not sustainable in the long run so just reminding you here, in case someone doesn't know, that providing these services currently has a cost of around 65 Euros per month and that if you enjoy them and want to help them keep running over the years you can do so by directly sending funds for them to my paypal@fpsclassico.com account or in case of not having a paypal account through the paypal.fpsclassico.com (or some of the local links at the bottom of the lnks forum tab for that effect if you prefer) gateway link with a card. the first if available is the recommended method as is a internal transfer that doesn't have any fees and needless to say but just to be safe, all the transactions are anonymous so I will not share your data with anyone and all the funds received just go to keep providing/mantaining these services (as I think that can be seen). if someone has any questions or just want more information about this you can just directly reach me through the forum contact form at contact.fpsclassico.com and I'll get back to you as detailed there.
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Re: fpsclassico project funding

Post by adminless »

after a long time without writing here (about half a year) which is actually good news as that means that I didn't update this during this period because the costs were being meet so there was no need to just briefly reporting now here without going to much detail that as can be observed on the funds thread the funding has dried up after the season which means that part of the cost of the past month service (April) along with the incoming cost of this month (May) has been paid out of my pocket. as usual, no big deal and not because of that I'm planning on closing the servers or anything however at the same I just want to remind the people around here that providing these services has a combined cost in total of around 70 €/month therefor it's important that you keep up the funding in some way for them to keep running month after month over the years because as I think that everyone can understand I don't want to misled anybody I'm not gonna be spending 70 euros every month on them alone. the only reason why the servers perform the way they do and deliver such a quality and standard it's because you supported them otherwise as I'm saying and as I've been saying, I don't think I'll close them any time soon, I'll probably still continue running them at least for a few more years, but obviously at a more limited (realistic) budget (like half the actual one) as on the early seasons when this was starting (close to 10 years ago already btw) which consequently will have a impact on the service and it's quality. I assume from experience that nobody wants that (i.e. nobody wants a server that lags, downtime etc etc) and that this is the kind of service that people demands (guarantee, to a reasonable extend, 24/7) therefor do not forget to keep up the funding accordingly at the usual well known links (just check bottom of the links forum tab or simply reach me on the contact form if someone needs further info/help).

as usual now with the holidays around the corner during this season of the year I don't expect the funding to be high that said I believe that if on the coming months before the fall no sensible amount of funding is at least received as to sustain the current servers then I guess that most likely by the summer or so I'll have to look for one of those summer deals and migrate this into a single server setup which as I was commenting although it will obviously still work it just won't be same and it's not probably the way it should be either as we have already seen you just can depend in only one server no matter what (i.e. downtime/data loss etc etc). in that sense I would also like to mention that although the current costs might seem disproportional to some they are not. the current deals were about the best deals around when I got them and by now with the current market prices you're unlikely to find anything else as good for the budget so in that sense they are even by these days a great deal if not even more. keep in mind I got those after covid when governments where pouring money into business to support and promote the economy therefore the prices were a lot lower, if not the lowest, that what they are now once the money stopped flowing and the pay back from those lends started to kick instead so any deal you're gonna get these days at that budget is very likely to be a inferior service in one way or another. in that sense I believe these servers have really delivered beyond just the budget, I mean, they have already been running for about a year with zero issues since day one just the way it's supposed to be and if it ever there has been a issue it has always been solved swiftly, even weekends included. they really look like the real deal to me so I think it would be a bad idea to let go of these servers just like that at least by now. also keep in mind that if I migrate this to another provider in the summer, in the fall (the month after or whatever) I won't setup any more servers just because of some funds, whatever setup I would deploy it will stick as usual at least for some time so it would probably take another year to grow them again if necessary. I hope I have made that clear.
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Re: fpsclassico project funding

Post by adminless »

ok just as a quick update here, I think the math should be straight forward this time, as can be seen in the funding log thread it has been more than four months already without any single transaction (of any amount) so the money has ran out. matter of fact, the only real reason why the available funding at the time has ran this long was due all the various adjustments I already went implementing along this months otherwise the money would have ran out much sooner. I don't really think it should get any more complicated than that so that should be all with this report, as simple as that. as usual that means that then this full month of service costs (50 euros) has been paid out of my pocket which eventually from time to time is totally fine with me but obviously not permanently. in that regard from what I have seen so far I want to be clear here, this November month is already paid for and I guess that given the case it shouldn't be a problem either for me to pay December given the ongoing tournament. that said, I assume that if by the New Year a couple of hundred euros (or similar) haven't been raise that make it look feasible to keep operating these services as-is for another meaningful period of time then I'll just cut them in some way or form adequate to the funding. I hope everyone around has that clear so nobody get mislead with this later on. good news are that hopefully I secured a solid deal for the former secondary server for a year of service and that from what I have seen so far it appears like 2025 is also gonna bring some interesting deals to hopefully keep operating this even in worst case scenarios. that said, as usual I also want to be clear about that, that won't be the same exact thing and that won't last forever either so quite frankly unless the funding here catches up again don't really expect these services to keep running for much longer than a year from now on as can't be otherwise.

finally to end the post just as a reminder for those around that can be interested in give for the servers remember that you can directly send money for them through the paypal.me/adminless link or directly through paypal itself to the paypal@fpsclassico.com address. for those that do not have paypal and/or just do not want to use it you have as well localised paypal links at the end of the forum links tab where you can then use "plastic" money instead (i.e. cards). as usual I do not collect any data from that, all the transactions will be anonymous, and beside this thread I won't ask you for anything else so feel free to submit any amount you want/can afford in virtually any currency you might operate.