UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by fernandinho1337 »

i wont practise before the game anyways
im fine with the maps


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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

yes, by dm5 we meant the standard Quake III Arena map q3dm5. ok, just make sure to download that bloodcovenant map in case he finally goes for it (I still don't know). don't worry that it's nothing out of the ordinary, that bloodcovenant apparently it's just the Quake Champions re-work of the standard well know Quake III Arena campgrounds map (q3dm6). it's very similar to it but like remixed with a bit of q3dm18, overall it doesn't look like a bad map to me but the textures are so unfitting in my opinion. it can even be possible that it sticks for the future if it works good, it may help this to stay relevant with what's being played apparently, so we'll see.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

ok, I just PMed now the password for the grand final to you both, let's see if Kra7oS pings tomorrow and tell us what his final map picks are, in case, he doesn't I'll have to overrule him and I'll make his picks bloodcovenant and pro-q3tourney2.

also blaze disappointingly went no contact for a week already after his semi final against Kra7oS. have no managed to make any contact a day before the match unfortunately means that the tomorrow date of 10 of August at 18:15 cest for the third place final has to be cancelled and we'll have to schedule again a new date. this is the kind of situation that should never take place on any sort of organized event, I'm not gonna disqualify him immediately because of this (that I should), by now I'll just leave it as a serious warning, a yellow card, but if within this weekend and the next few days he continues afk then I'll definitively have to proceed with the disqualification and consequent ban from future organized events and automatically award the third place to jutuli as well as a score of 3:0 in the corresponding match.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

ok to gramy mapy pro tourmey 2 i pro dm6
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

this map q3dm5 can be? and pro-q3turney2? these are standard q3 maps
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by fernandinho1337 »

@kra7os: if you want to we can do bloodcovenant and dm5. i am really fine with any choice. you can also change your mind tomorrow night i will be good ^^
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

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yes Kra7oS is np I was just stating the rules because is my actual duty here it's what I have to do but like I said you can do those if you want this time, it's ok.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by ...jutuli... »

Hi, I did not see Blaze at the server this week to remind him about the tournament. Anyway, I realized that I completely forgot the tactics, timing and movement in duels, because unfreeze is only mod I still play now ... and it is more like FFA ... so no problem with cancellation ;)
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

ok np I'd say to wait at least the weekend and see if he appears and there's still interest and a possibility to easily set up an date to make that fight happen but if you just want to call it quits I won't oppose. yes, for the most part I got the same feeling from him, as I posted on the after match, he moved from an active relatively updated mod where most stuff just works out of the box and mostly community friendly/oriented/balanced to a mostly hardcore players only competition oriented old school mod where you have to deal with everything yourself. it's very likely that it wasn't just what he expected it to be. then I think that probably the best is just leave this until the grand final (that is going to happen) after match and if by that time (tomorrow night) we haven't come to anything yes probably the best option is just to close the tournament and simply leave the third place unresolved (no further actions/sanctions). after this I'll probably just open a thread for people that is interested in challenge each other so if at some point in the future you both want to make that fight happen, you can still make it, although at a lower a match importance of 60 (instead of 80 as I set for the tournament matches here). then on the future if at some point that thread gets hot and it gets matches going we can arrange tournaments from there if there's enough active players, seems like the best approach for this I think.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

I'm playing :) at 17:00 on server?
I do not change, q3dm5 and pro-q3tourney2, I will certainly

jutuli you just have to run faster or hide more: D: DD: D:

or just hide from Mirek and don't move: D: D: D
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by fernandinho1337 »

Kra7oS wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2019 22:09 or just hide from Mirek and don't move: D: D: D
i will find you :>
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

ok, awesome then that will be your final map picks, so tomorrow 11 of August at 19:00 cest we will be playing the grand final for the second edition of the UnFreeZe tournament on the maps hub3aeroq3, q3dm5, pro-q3tourney2, hub3tourney1 and pro-q3tourney4 if the match goes five or if not and you both wanna do the extra play then bloodcovenant as last map (as you requested it and I went myself the trouble to get it, install it, try it and so. I think that it can be a good choice for the extra play and give it a try to see if it's worth for the future, given the circumstance that there's nothing at play at that moment, of course, if not pro-q3tourney4 which is what randomly came out will be at play as it can not be other way). make sure to have at least those maps installed beforehand.

fight hard, fight clean and have fun. good luck
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

admin and i have a question? can I choose bloodcovenant and q3-protourney2 instead of dm5? it's just a question if it's possible it's great

I also like 19:00 or 20:00 there :)
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

blaze hasn't shown for a week, I guess why, maybe because of a loss
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

ok Kra7oS, bloodcovenant and pro-q3tourney2 will be your maps (which is what I was actually going to overrule btw) but please man seriously you need to keep this stuff more organized. then if so may be I make q3dm5 the five game in case we make it there and the match finished, just for fun and see how it does.

PS: that I noticed now, the time for the match is 19:00 cest.