UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

fpsclassico masters 19 - Miroslav super champion
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UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

well ok guys unfortunately due all the deployment/maintenance/update job that took place here in the last months I missed the initial idea of hosting a another edition of the tournament past Christmas, sorry about that. hopefully those tasks are now complete and although I still missed to drop a thread here for the tournaments server (sorry about that) as I would have liked first I believe that it's time already to launch another tournament edition anyways.

this time I won't make any calls/discards here so nobody feels left out/took for granted then whoever is interested in participate please feel free to sign in here. initially I'll discard my idea of having different divisions since as I've watched the rank over this season I have the feeling that the differences has shrink a lot and now probably with the exception of Miroslav any of the top players if they can not beat anyone of course they can at least put a fight against virtually anyone.

so the tournament this time will be another duel (elimination) cup, matches will be 10 minutes plus 2 minutes overtime in case of tie and typically will consist of up to 5 games played in order a-b-b-a-tie being the player "a" the statistically (or if not clear deemed) stronger and the tie breaker randomly chosen among the map pool/negotiable to some extend. map picks must be made public here with at least one day of advance (this is to avoid last minute arguments, unnecessary delays as well as to make everything a bit more "fair") and you can not pick the same map twice. the server is masters.unfreeze.xyz:27965/masters.oclockservers.uk:27965 ( with the usual Quake III Arena de-facto settings for 1vs1 games, notice that it's not a UnFreeZe kind of server. it would be good to test it a bit during this time to ensure that everything keeps working as it should and it's definitively mandatory that any newcomer check it out before committing to participate. in addition very importantly make sure to have installed the custom mappack required to play there (masters_mappack.zip) or if not ensure that you have every map on the map pool installed. failing to do so (i.e. missing a map once in competition) will result in immediate disqualification and posterior banning at least for one edition.

matches will typically be played on Sunday evening although other times can be arranged if all the the parts are available and are hosted/refereed by me. there will be a fair amount of time to warm up before the match, let's say up to ten minutes or so, however once the match started unjustified between games warm up will be limited just to a couple of minutes at most. finally as usual any misbehavior (getting upset/frustrated here and there is understandable but constant nagging/complaining or rage quitting is not for example)/missing to follow the competition (no show up/disruptive slow communication and similar) will lead to disqualification and probably a posterior ban then please on benefit of everyone involved here only join if you're really interested on this and know that you're going to be available at the time this is going to take place. nobody obliges you to participate (furthermore nobody is even calling you to participate) therefore if you're unsure or you just don't really like this is probably better simply to not sing in.

the idea for the tournament is to have up to eight participants, this is some quarter-finals, semi-finals and then the grand final, let's see if we make it this time. the minimum amount of participants is obviously 2, any other number in-between can be arranged. if more than eight people is interested in participate then it may be possible to do some quick qualifying round or to filter the extra participants by some criteria like joining order or statistical performance. the initial deadlines planed are as follow, one month to sign in/discuss the tournament and two other months to develop it, this is, you can join until the 30 of June 2019 and the the tournament will take place between the 1 of July 2019 and the 31 of August 2019 all the dates inclusive. those dates are just the initial plan to work with they may be shortened/lengthened as necessary however overall things shouldn't differ greatly from that. also the quarter-finals should be typically played on July and the semi-finals and final on August.

and well that's it by now, I think that we all should already be familiar with the competition format, whoever it's not, don't hesitate to drop any questions you have here. then whoever is interested in participate please just sign up here.

have fun
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by ...jutuli... »

Hi, you can count with me. Usualy I have free Sundays, unless I will have my kids on some weeks during the summer holidays.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

ok, great news, then we just need at least another participant more. and don't worry that you just have to play three matches at most so it shouldn't be a big issue and even so the tournament period can always be extended if necessary.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by odiodiodiodiodiodi »

Give me date and time and i will be in XD
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

ok great, this will still stay open at least for a month to give some time to more people to sign in. then expect the dates around July. I'll post them here and I'll pm you when the time comes thus stay tune.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by fernandinho1337 »


long time no hear

for a good match of duel I would be in as well unless other player do not want me to play.

best regards
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

sure np I'll count you in. I don't think that much more people will join then unless 8+ people join and I have to filter out or something else you'll fit in one way or another.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by i_cezar »

Too bad I found out about this just today. Would have liked to participate...
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

well the thing is that for some reasons or another I had almost forgot about this topic and I had missed to launch it yet (this should be going by now). last times I was busy dealing with the server deadlock as well as arranging my computer and lately I've been a bit more off and enjoying the holidays (although always ready to take action shall be the case in a reasonable amount of time) therefore, you're in luck, I believe that given the circumstances and the overall low (near zero) interest at the moment on this, the best option is to reschedule this for a later time so don't worry, stay around and you'll probably still have your chance to participate.

probably I think that initially we can set up this again for some time after the summer if it's fine at that moment for most. in addition, odi that had joined is nowhere to be seen so far, then we'll still need to leave this open for people to join. thanks everybody for their understanding and sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by fernandinho1337 »

i_cezar wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2019 19:31 Too bad I found out about this just today. Would have liked to participate...
if you want to play some pickup games let me know. im sort of out of shape since I have not played in a while.

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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

Hello, what if I play something, only when and about which? and is this server 1v1 still active?
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by cBs KRA7OS »

mirek:)mirek:) gdzie ty jesteś?:) wejdz kiedyś z wieczora pograć:)
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by fernandinho1337 »

Kra7oS wrote: Sun Jul 28, 2019 9:59 mirek:)mirek:) gdzie ty jesteś?:) wejdz kiedyś z wieczora pograć:)
cześć robert. Byłem 3 tygodnie na wakacjach i od tego czasu nie grałem w żadne gry na komputerze. Po prostu nie miałem na to ochoty. Może następnym razem znów zagram w rundzie. wiele pozdrowień
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by adminless »

yes Kra7oS the 1vs1 server is up and running just as it was the last time we did something there. well now that you joined us we finally meet those four players so perhaps I think that it can be a good idea to launch this for this next august 2019 month may be. I was going to say that odi was away but, apparently he just rejoined the servers yesterday, so that complicated a bit the things hehe

well anyways some things are clear at least now, one we can finally close the time to sing up for the tournament and two plan a torunament with months in advanced have been proven to be a mistake and just simply to not work out, it cool down the things and it's just not realistic to know a scheudule months in advance. therefore from now onwards I'll try to scheudule things more in the days/week term and we'll see if that works any better then.

then initially I think that we could probably hold the two semi finals the next sunday in the afternoon, let's say the 4 of August at 16:00 one semifinal and then the next at 17:30 and then the grand final and the third place final the sunday after that, 11 of August, at the same times. all times are cest which means one hour more in romania. anyways, don't freak out, they aren't break or make deadlines or anything, I'm just saying to get this satrted. so please all the participants confirm your interest and avaliability on these games and dates around the next days/week and then we'll ultimate any details. also any newcomer or anyone else don't hesitate to post any question you may have.

well, for the games initially when I read Kra7oS answer this morning I was thinking about making miroslav-jutuli one semifinal and then blaze-Kra7oS the other semi final. now if odi is still around (the fact that he just played a couple of games doesn't mean that he is gonna be on topic here) and ping this there's various possibilities we could evaluate, the best option imo it would probably be to replace miroslav by odi and run the whole thing and then have the torunament winner fight miroslav for a showdown match, that's probably the best balance option. another option would be to face blaze and odi as newcomers for a qualifying match at some time in the middle of the next week to get the fourth spot, this is probably the most fair option. last option can be simply to run a 4 players tournament with one reserve in case someone fails at the last minute so like I said please just ping again the thread and we'll see and evaluate this and lets hope that we can finally get this going.
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Re: UnFreeZe Tournament (Second Edition)

Post by fernandinho1337 »

adminless wrote: Sun Jul 28, 2019 17:49 yes Kra7oS the 1vs1 server is up and running just as it was the last time we did something there. well now that you joined us we finally meet those four players so perhaps I think that it can be a good idea to launch this for this next august 2019 month may be. I was going to say that odi was away but, apparently he just rejoined the servers yesterday, so that complicated a bit the things hehe

well anyways some things are clear at least now, one we can finally close the time to sing up for the tournament and two plan a torunament with months in advanced have been proven to be a mistake and just simply to not work out, it cool down the things and it's just not realistic to know a scheudule months in advance. therefore from now onwards I'll try to scheudule things more in the days/week term and we'll see if that works any better then.

then initially I think that we could probably hold the two semi finals the next sunday in the afternoon, let's say the 4 of August at 16:00 one semifinal and then the next at 17:30 and then the grand final and the third place final the sunday after that, 11 of August, at the same times. all times are cest which means one hour more in romania. anyways, don't freak out, they aren't break or make deadlines or anything, I'm just saying to get this satrted. so please all the participants confirm your interest and avaliability on these games and dates around the next days/week and then we'll ultimate any details. also any newcomer or anyone else don't hesitate to post any question you may have.

well, for the games initially when I read Kra7oS answer this morning I was thinking about making miroslav-jutuli one semifinal and then blaze-Kra7oS the other semi final. now if odi is still around (the fact that he just played a couple of games doesn't mean that he is gonna be on topic here) and ping this there's various possibilities we could evaluate, the best option imo it would probably be to replace miroslav by odi and run the whole thing and then have the torunament winner fight miroslav for a showdown match, that's probably the best balance option. another option would be to face blaze and odi as newcomers for a qualifying match at some time in the middle of the next week to get the fourth spot, this is probably the most fair option. last option can be simply to run a 4 players tournament with one reserve in case someone fails at the last minute so like I said please just ping again the thread and we'll see and evaluate this and lets hope that we can finally get this going.
sounds good,

i cannot play earlier than 7 pm cest. i am basically available any day except coming thursday and friday.
i think it would be more motivating to make the tournament with 2 newcomers and let the winner of the tournament play me because otherwise it might frustrate somebody. if we do it as i said there could be somebody else than me considered a tournament winner and then just do a grand final against me. much more motivating.
