map rotations
- User lv5
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map rotations
hi adminless
question out of curiosity: do you adjust the map rotation from time to time?
I am wondering because some of the maps that were added to the rotation now feel a bit overplayed and I think it could be nice to change the likeliness of a map being played from time to time.
e.g. I recently noticed (incl myself) that some players currently do not like dm10 or dm16 a lot anymore whereas when it was "new" it was nice to have a change and I enjoyed it a lot. if it would not be played that much for a while the excitement for the maps would potentially return.
so to summarize: change the weights/ probability of a map being played from time to time to keep a "fresh" feeling in the map pool (unfreeze and freefun)
what do you think?
best regards
question out of curiosity: do you adjust the map rotation from time to time?
I am wondering because some of the maps that were added to the rotation now feel a bit overplayed and I think it could be nice to change the likeliness of a map being played from time to time.
e.g. I recently noticed (incl myself) that some players currently do not like dm10 or dm16 a lot anymore whereas when it was "new" it was nice to have a change and I enjoyed it a lot. if it would not be played that much for a while the excitement for the maps would potentially return.
so to summarize: change the weights/ probability of a map being played from time to time to keep a "fresh" feeling in the map pool (unfreeze and freefun)
what do you think?
best regards
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Re: map rotations
I think that with a rotation this short (relatively) there's no much you can do about it since as you're saying downplaying those maps implies overplaying (again relatively) other maps that soon leads just to the same issue then I think that's probably fine the way it's and that's probably about the best it can do. overall I feel like the best option would be to remove dm10 from UnFreeZe2 and dm15 from UnFreeZe1 (where they are played the most due those servers respective loads) as I suggested the last time this was brought and just let it be. other "solutions" won't probably really "solve" anything.
- User lv5
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Re: map rotations
wrt your last point. that is why I mean switching up every now and then to avoid overplaying the other maps and readding the underplayed maps. wrt dm15 only my personal opinion it is ok but removing dm10 would defintely be nice
- User lv4
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Re: map rotations
I think dm15 may be there, but it seems to me that it appears too often when the server is full. Sometimes it happens that I play dm15, then dm7, and dm15 again.
I wouldn't remove DM10. Sometimes it's nice to play it at night. It would be nice if healing worked in the center of the map. I would also reduce the loading frequency of this map.
But that's just my opinion.
I wouldn't remove DM10. Sometimes it's nice to play it at night. It would be nice if healing worked in the center of the map. I would also reduce the loading frequency of this map.
But that's just my opinion.
- User lv5
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Re: map rotations
The solution may be to periodically replace your least favorite maps with others. smaller - q3dm10 --> q3dm9 (THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE). larger - q3dm15 --> q3dm18. ( much better example ). the cycle can be repeated every two weeks, a month or a quarter. if every two weeks or every week, other maps may be added to the map pool, for example: q3dm12 large, q3dm5 small. I would recommend a monthly cycle. You practically don't have to think about it at all, just change the map in rotation one for month. This should not affect the number of online players based on their desire to play the game rather than a specific map.
@whoami q3dm10 is not a bad map. of course, a better version of it exists on QuakeLive. but it's still not a bad map as long as people understand or understand it. the middle of the map is a plus for the lack of status regeneration. this is the main balance of this map.
@whoami q3dm10 is not a bad map. of course, a better version of it exists on QuakeLive. but it's still not a bad map as long as people understand or understand it. the middle of the map is a plus for the lack of status regeneration. this is the main balance of this map.
Camaradas Iks De
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Re: map rotations
q3dm9 is absolute garbage same as q3dm18 (unplayable). let alone q3dm12 that was added also "for the sake of it" various times in the past and it didn't "converge" (i.e. it didn't even finish, it took like 5 mins to do a round on average). yeah, overall I think that it's exactly the same as it was when this was brought and I suggested that same thing, there's no clear real agreement to change anything, hence why I didn't change anything back then and I don't think I'm gonna do now as well. in any case, thanks for the input.
- User lv5
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Re: map rotations
@adminless although q3dm9 is actually a poorly rated map. then I would like you to reconsider q3dm18 (space chamber) because this map seemed to work in the past on the spacius server. it is also not as radical and unambiguous in its structure as, for example, q3dm17. there is a high chance of suicide on this map, but in my opinion it is at least a good candidate to consider any change. let me know what you think about it. Besides, a cycle of changing maps once a month doesn't seem like a bad idea. I would like to write that maps are changed every day, but I respect my time, and even more so someone else's time.
Camaradas Iks De
- User lv5
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Re: map rotations
Dude q3dm9 is a good map even compared to q3dm15adminless wrote: ↑Fri Mar 08, 2024 18:26 q3dm9 is absolute garbage same as q3dm18 (unplayable). let alone q3dm12 that was added also "for the sake of it" various times in the past and it didn't "converge" (i.e. it didn't even finish, it took like 5 mins to do a round on average). yeah, overall I think that it's exactly the same as it was when this was brought and I suggested that same thing, there's no clear real agreement to change anything, hence why I didn't change anything back then and I don't think I'm gonna do now as well. in any case, thanks for the input.
I would suggest one of the servers needs to have try if it isn't difficult please
- User lv5
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Re: map rotations
dm9 is really crap on unfreeze mod. it was sort of ok for 2on2 tdm but other than that it is total junk
- User lv3
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Re: map rotations
Add to that Dm10 Dm15 and DM 14 are the worst in rotation .
DM10 with more than 6 (3v3) very quickly devolves into grenade rocket spam as 1/2 the map is corridors and the other half is open space followed by more corridors.
Whoever gets the most point there is just plain lucky.
DM14 has one focal point where ppl on the defending side (By RA) endlessly spam the same door with rockets/nades/plasma whatever.
This map actually makes players worse at Quake as it is played in this mod.
DM15...the much maligned map. Very quickly becomes a rabid spamfest no matter how many play it. Huge ceiling height in focal rooms (and out side) bring out the worst a No Self Damage mod has to offer. People rocket jumping all over the place just to make them selves harder to hit and try to catch an enemy with splash damage makes this map an absolute shit fest.
As usual I suggest lowering the amount of Rockets on spawn to partly rectify the spam problem but keep replenishing options on the maps to create new points of conflict. Some maps could really do with some tinkering like the only space map we currently have in rotation---remove rockets and grenades there and have those shot into void transferred as a corpsicle to a thawable place. '
A lot of this stuff is getting very old and frustrating to play and I find myself very often just disconnecting instead of playing "That Map" and I know for a fact that many others do as well.
Anyhoo; thanx for your efforts Adminless,
DM10 with more than 6 (3v3) very quickly devolves into grenade rocket spam as 1/2 the map is corridors and the other half is open space followed by more corridors.
Whoever gets the most point there is just plain lucky.
DM14 has one focal point where ppl on the defending side (By RA) endlessly spam the same door with rockets/nades/plasma whatever.
This map actually makes players worse at Quake as it is played in this mod.
DM15...the much maligned map. Very quickly becomes a rabid spamfest no matter how many play it. Huge ceiling height in focal rooms (and out side) bring out the worst a No Self Damage mod has to offer. People rocket jumping all over the place just to make them selves harder to hit and try to catch an enemy with splash damage makes this map an absolute shit fest.
As usual I suggest lowering the amount of Rockets on spawn to partly rectify the spam problem but keep replenishing options on the maps to create new points of conflict. Some maps could really do with some tinkering like the only space map we currently have in rotation---remove rockets and grenades there and have those shot into void transferred as a corpsicle to a thawable place. '
A lot of this stuff is getting very old and frustrating to play and I find myself very often just disconnecting instead of playing "That Map" and I know for a fact that many others do as well.
Anyhoo; thanx for your efforts Adminless,
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Re: map rotations
hey after this new server setup I finally ended up removing dm10/15 both from different servers (dm10 from UnFreeZe1 and dm15 from UnFreeZe2 where they are played the less respectively) to alleviate some the issue to be safe. in any case I repeat like for the eleventh time both those maps were added exclusively because the community unanimously voted for them to be added here as the alternative to that is just basically to play pro-q3dm6 24/7 and may be eventually also q3dm7 in between but even so just eventually which is not any kind of "solution" if not a even worse situation in reality.
- User lv4
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Re: map rotations
should have a server with exclusively only the current tournament maps in rotation.
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Re: map rotations
I think it's well known fact that that's exactly the rotation that the third UnFreeZe server, glacius ( or, runs 24/7 for other than the special meeting times (Fridays, Sundays and Mondays nights) where it runs the full extended custom maps rotation.
- User lv5
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Re: map rotations
So what map can you add for something different, even if it's like computed for smaller teams when server is less busyadminless wrote: ↑Wed Oct 02, 2024 17:29 I think it's well known fact that that's exactly the rotation that the third UnFreeZe server, glacius ( or, runs 24/7 for other than the special meeting times (Fridays, Sundays and Mondays nights) where it runs the full extended custom maps rotation.
I assume that's why we are not getting dm6 much?
Can we not have the other versions of dm6 in addition? Or is it they need downloads?
Unfortunately your right with allot of this
But unfortunately we need change sometimes
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Re: map rotations
yeah, that's another point, dm6 for anything beyond 18 players it just doesn't work so if we start removing maps just for being anything bellow s tier then what do we play? nothing? it obviously doesn't work like that and it's evident that doesn't lead anywhere. as for the other dm6/dm7/dm13 versions, yes, they are all custom maps so, yes, they do require separate download and do not work "out-of-the Quake III Arena box" as it's required by any meaningful top public server setup. unfortunately as I already explained there's really nothing left worth adding from the original Quake III Arena assets that hasn't been added already so this is just about the best you can get. I guess that probably given the circumstances at some point I could make some variations to the public servers settings and/or make some different edits to the standard maps but then that would be a whole different story/thing. quite frankly as I already said plenty of other times the only real solution to that is that people just download some of the provided packages (that btw over a thousand people has already done so it's not even really a matter of people not having the maps or just the autodownload) and just drop more by glacius (that do run all those custom maps and more 24/7) and/or just by any of the other servers (ex. ffa, ctf, duel, events etc etc).