I got cheated

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I got cheated

Post by Mus1n »

I wanna Ask why adminless changed decision about OSP.
And propositions:
Add custom maps to maplist (overkill/ztn3/oxodm)
Enable ProMode voting.
And set same confing on Unfreeze2 cause server will be full when ppl would know about OSP)
Set freeze time after player fall to 40-60seconds cause ppl will especially fall to regen HP/Armor- IT will fuck Up game. And You could do votable power UPs (enable/disable).
2nd option is award for frags for example: 6frags non death- u will receive haste/quad/regen for 10-20secs etc.
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Re: I got cheated

Post by Mus1n »

Disable BFG on maps and set freeze when change team because its possible to be undead.
PS. Add unlagged mod cause hitscan sucks like on 3x higher ping.
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Re: I got cheated

Post by adminless »

  1. where on earth I said that I was going to adopt osp for the servers in the first place? I think I had clearly answered you that here ("no more (significant/major) changes come in place")
  2. same as above I I also answered you that there ("just in a month of 24/7 custom maps killed UnFreeZe2 altogether for the rest of the project life" - proof)
  3. ??? promode has nothing to do with osp, that's cpma/quakelive
  4. even more ??? I can not set the very same config on osp as the current one is not even based on osp and that's the whole point here
  5. that's called ultra freeze tag (aka nightmare mode) and it's utmost crap only intended to overload small games, I wonder how exactly you're planning to have frozen 10+ players at the very same time with only a "40-60" seconds frozen time??? games would go nowhere/never end (average game time would go to a hour or so). if you want "lower" frozen times/non stop action I'd suggest you to go into this season UnFreeZe2 replacement, FreeFUn (frozen time 1.7 s there - which for the record it was started exactly to answer this kind of requests hahaha so at least it did its job hahaha :) :D )
  6. same as above, items are a part of the game in the other hand, powerups will broke the game big time
  7. that's a good original suggestion there, I like that, but I think you're getting it all wrong, your suggestion is on the lines of "hey how can the top guys get even more overpowered so they power the rest yet even more" when the policy here is exactly the opposite ("hey how can I (the admin) do so that the top guys don't get so overpowering and therefor the rest also have a fair chance to enjoy and have fun while maintaining a generally overall balanced game" not the other way around)
  8. agree on the bfg (already done by the way if I'm not wrong) and about the switch generally when the balance code triggers is because people is needed at that moment
  9. well it's a pay off for the benefit that the 3x higher ping can have a relatively fair game, not only the guys with the pretty under 27.5 ms
and I add UnFreeZe2 (which is for what you're suggesting me I guess) has been already replaced by FreeFUn which to be honest seem to be doing pretty good already (I mean, casual games/warm-ups happening frequently) and I just started it like the past week or so then I initially I see it going for the long run, I believe that after so much time I finally found that secondary server to complement (not replace) UnFreeZe then I'm not gonna start changing it again. but look, listen, anyways, I don't even care about all this, as I see that you insist on this and I'm aware that there's also some other people on the same page as you out there what I can do is that if in a couple of months FreeFUn doesn't get reasonably going is set some crappy ages old osp server along the lines you're requesting me as the next "UnFreeZe2" replacement and we'll see if it really deliver all the goods that you're promising that it will or if it just all easy talk and on the other hand it just fails even more miserably than what I can write with words, it's not a big deal.
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Re: I got cheated

Post by Mus1n »

5. I mean set freeze time when player fall. Cause now when you fall from map and u respawn again.
Hitbox on other OSP servers is better with 10percent higher ping also.
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Re: I got cheated

Post by adminless »

mmm but that's already done I think, if I'm not mistaken, lava/smile/fall into void/pits thaw time is along those values (~+60 secs) if I'm not wrong.
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Re: I got cheated

Post by Mus1n »

Isn't done
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Re: I got cheated

Post by adminless »

mmmmm that's rare because I remember I had precisely verified that the past season and it has been know to be working properly, so it's something that you verified yourself or it's something that told you someone else and you just trusted him? if so, what's it something that happens on all the maps or the issue it's just with some specific place at some specific map? I would like you to check that for me, try jumping at some random pit and see what happens, I don't exactly remember the number, but I believe that you should thaw after around 70 seconds aprox as any less and people would start abusing it to respawn when about to die. make sure to time it correctly with an actual clock, not just "it felt like it was much time and it should be less". anyways I'll dig it out when I work on some server code. thanks for report.
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Re: I got cheated

Post by Mus1n »

I played 4-5hours and everytime i respawned after 2-4seconds. When im dead and fall/lava too. When u will have time join in game.
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Re: I got cheated

Post by adminless »

Mus1n wrote: Wed Sep 26, 2018 22:40 I played 4-5hours and everytime i respawned after 2-4seconds. When im dead and fall/lava too. When u will have time join in game.
60 seconds in fact (kinda low btw) timed with an actual clock, what the fuck are you talking about man? cut the crap and don't waste my time with bull shit, ok?
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Re: I got cheated

Post by adminless »

and for the record just to be safe there you also have another pit lasting at least (round finished first) 50 clock timed seconds. bottom line I don't know with who the fuck you talked or what crap some one else told you about me and/or the servers but don't be a fool and go there believing in any random shit people will spit out and get your facts straight. or what else did you think, that I was lying you?
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Re: I got cheated

Post by adminless »

btw I've been digging up this because this issue caught my my eye and now it makes sense, I see what you meant, let me tell you a couple of things first you fell for a fake/name stolen cheat server that nothing has to do with me and second and more importantly you've been a major idiot and misleading people into a fake/name stolen/cheat and therefor potentially unsafe place as if it were official when it's not so don't ever do that again and like I told you don't be such a idiot and fall for that kind of stupid shit. I hope this clears up the issue.

and to avoid that kind of problems in the future stick to this inside ioquake3 release here and you'll only get trustworthy results.
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Re: I got cheated

Post by fernandinho1337 »


can you give more insight? i dont understand what is going on. what does the cheat server do? arent those demos from your server or am i mistaken?
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Re: I got cheated

Post by adminless »

long story short I and the servers got impersonated by a rogue third party which is what spawned all the confusion on this topic.