community summer 23 event

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what event would you like to play the next Wednesday 30 of August of 2023 21:00 CEST?

Poll ended at Sun Aug 27, 2023 21:07

ffa - bal3dm3, 13excave_b1, goldleaf, bloodcovenant, focal_p132 (8-12 players)
ctf - q3ctf1, q3wcp17, mkbase, q3wcp18, oasago2 (-10 players)
UnFreeZe - cpm4a, 13hell, goldleaf, bal3dm3, 13excave_b1 (+12 players)
I want as well to challenge semisek to some duel!! (comment bellow)
Total votes: 12

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community summer 23 event

Post by adminless »

ok so as some had requested I open this thread here to see if there's interest and it's possible to setup some more community event before giving it a go to another UnFreeZe league by later September/October (approx). I think that initially the idea was just for a classic community game now off event open for everyone (five maps and mixed computed teams between 10-14 people in total) to be played on the next weeks (ex. Wednesday 30 of August of 2023 21:00 CEST [UTC+02], Sunday 3 of September of 2023 21:00 CEST [UTC+02] or something like that). it think that for the maps this time it will be great to give it a go to some of the new additions so I think that something like cpm4a, goldfish, 13hell, bal3dm3 and 13excave_b1 for example could be a solid option. for the server it would also be good to give it a try to the primary ranked one ( just to make sure there's no issues with it regardless the "supposed secondary" one ended up the one being really used in case some day it also gets used.

also I leave it open in case people prefer to organize/play something else like another vicious ffa carnage event, some epic ctf game or just to pick where it was left the masters 23 for some legendary duels that could also be great options still to determine/vote of course that would be discussed on a different thread/forum for that. so that's it, as usual those interested just let me know and do not hesitate to sign up here if you're interested/available during the next weeks.
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by aimer »

i'm down to play, better if it's just a one night event.
standard unfreeze could be fun on "new" maps if there are enough people, otherwise even a classic ffa would be good
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by adminless »

sure unless something like thirty people join/show up I assume it will just be a one date event yet to determine. great I'll count you in then, who else wanna join?
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by PacMan »

Wednesday good for me can't do weekend
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by adminless »

ok, I'll note you in for the Wednesday then but we'll see if it finally happens. it's been a couple of days already and so far just two people commented/voted and joined (you and aimer). I didn't explicitly set a deadline on the initial post but I think that it should be understood by now that this won't run "forever". if by the next week or so (let's say by the next Friday) there's no significant amount of people in for this (let's say ten people or so) then it just won't happen so those interested/available do miss this chance to make this great fight happen and join here.
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by Edversion »

I'm in.
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by adminless »

ok then we're 3 at the moment we need 7 more people at least to make the UnFreeZe game happen. in case of getting slightly less (let's eight or something like that) a option could be just to make a ffa event instead so we'll see by the end of the next as usual how it finally turns out (if anything).
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by Shantu »

I'm in
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Re: community summer 23 event


I would play something else, CTF sounds good.
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by adminless »

ctf I don't see it happening by now. may be later on when there's more activity (like for Christmas or so) some ctf game can be made but at the moment I doubt there's enough people in for that. I think that given the case of playing something else beside UnFreeZe, the ffa community event is the best option, moreover that we're five at least just a bunch of guys more the ffa event can be made with no problem. anyways, we still have time to think about it and more importantly to see who else joins and then we'll decide that along the next then please stay tuned.
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by Semisek48 »

Hi, Wednesday 30.8 or Sunday 3.9 i can play. I would prefer ctf or duel the most, but can do unfreeze or ffa as well.
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by Gladiat0r »

i want to join , any game except duel , time is ok for me if it is night time.
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by adminless »

great news then we're seven already. just with that amount I think that then at least a ffa carnage night event on some maps still yet to determine once it's decided the next Wednesday 30 of August of 2023 21:00 CEST (UTC+02) should be guaranteed. as for the rest I think if finally a significant amount of people joins (i.e. 12-14 people or so) the best option is the initial suggested UnFreeZe fight otherwise (in case of 10- players) the best can probably be the ffa event or even if there would really be interest for it a ctf event that usually gets played on maps for around that lower than ten players target (i.e. 3vs3/4vs4 with up to 5vs5 most) as you're requesting it. I think that probably by the next week or so the poll can be changed to reflect that and ultimately decide about it. as for duel (just like that) is obviously not a option, I mean, as a side event if someone is interested in making some fight happen that would be cool (like semi-shantu for example for the masters champ tittle that Ricky left vacant), otherwise a seven (or even more) players duel event wouldn't clearly be a "one time thing" as planned but instead yet another (around) month long tournament which wasn't the intention with this beside a duel event without undefeated uncontested fpsclassico super champion Miroslav wouldn't be appropriate at the moment.
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by adminless »

in the mean time while still waiting to see if somebody else join along this week updated now the poll with the final event options for the next Wednesday 30 of August of 2023 21:00 CEST (UTC+02) night so please chose the one/s you prefer. as noted there depending on the turn out some options might not work/be available though as usual there's some room/margin from that, for example, the ffa can perfectly be played just with seven people instead of eight. those numbers would just be the ideal/recommended for reference.
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Re: community summer 23 event

Post by PacMan »

Yes I want a rematch with semi lol need a map we both don't know very well

Semi there's a que for you dude