fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

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fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by adminless »

well with a week of delay as I got busy with other tasks but I believe that it's finally time to open the fpsclassico masters 23 and see how it plays out, if anything, of course. ok, so the rules are the well know established ones from previous editions, that's it:

-format and rules
  • best of five for regular matches or best of seven for finals classic 10 minutes duels with up-to two 2 minutes overtimes then one minute extra overtime then sudden death.
  • participants could request up-to two one minute in-game timeouts per game exclusively for technical reasons though currently they are not implemented/enabled.
  • the order of play is a-b-b-a-c for best of five matches or b-a-a-b-b-a-c for best of seven finals where a is the (perceived/regarded) stronger player as initially determined or determined by the matchups later on.
  • all matches will be played with lag compensation, either "negative" as in the case of the unlagged server or "positive" (i.e. added) in the case of the classic server.
  • for that reason there's a not clearly determined ping limit to sign up that will be enforced but in general all participants should not ping higher than 50 and/or lag significantly.
  • each player will chose up to three maps for best of five matches or up to five for best of seven finals for each match and will be allowed to accordingly block one or two of the opponents picks and tie-breakers to determine the fight.
  • the c choices (i.e. the tie-breakers) are fixed and the same for each match and you have them announced already down bellow (first set that wasn't chosen in that order).
  • all the b player choices must be different from the player a choices and the latter have preference over the former while for the blocks is the other way around.
  • original/legacy/remake maps are all mutually exclusive, only one version of a specific map can be picked in the same match.
  • as usual the player a of each match must announce his picks at least 72 hours before the established date so in the 24 hours after (i.e. 48 hours before the fight date) the player b can get back with his and the blocks as well (since at that moment the tie-breaker picks are known) so the player a can ultimately block the player b choices and decide the fight no later than 24 hours before the match date.
  • the participants should timely communicate and carry through the whole competition at all times, missing any deadlines, lack of communication, bullshitting and/or just by any other means disturbing/undermining the competition will result in sanction, the most usual and frequent of them being overruled and taken away their right to chose.
  • every participant must ensure to have installed at least any maps announced to be played prior the start of the match.
  • unless explicitly stated/agreed otherwise the server for the matches will be the new unlagged one at addresses duel.fpsclasico.de:27971 or duel.fpsclasico.eu:27971.
  • if agreed/requested by both parts it could be possible to dispute the match on the classic server masters.fpsclasico.eu:27966 or masters.fpsclasico.de:27966 with (positive) lag compensation.
  • once the match started unnecessary delaying successive warmup rounds beyond whats normal (i.e. 5 mins) is not allowed.
  • the participants must honor/respect the competition and themselves as well as their opponent at all times in full both in and off game.
  • failing to follow any of the above or anything else that's found to disturb the competition may result in penalization or even disqualification.
  • unnecessary talking/arguing during the matches is not allowed, in the event of disagreements/appellations they should be brought here not in-game.
  • finally the only accepted and valid way of communication when it comes to this tournament is exclusively this fpsclassico forum or any form of direct valid communication mean with the organizer (i.e. me - email, contact form, PM).
-map pool -tie-breakers as usual, if somebody is missing some map or something/anything else about all that just let me know otherwise I guess that should be it. as for the format, as said, this was meant/intended to be a follow-up of the April ffa tournament (that finally it didn't even really happen) with currently fau-maka, cachuete-cth, iron-orgi and pks-aimer as the quarter finals of a cup that will crown a champion that would battle Miroslav afterwards for the tittle of super champion. I believe pretty much everyone involved declined that already so unless stated otherwise (i.e. just let me know if interested) I won't pursue this and probably will focus more on a modest, hand-picked, small matchup like on the 21' edition.

I think the time to sign up can go for two weeks from now (approx), that's it, until May 15th, as said I doubt this time it's gonna be huge, most likely it will be reduced to a handful of matches so the plan is to get this done in this month (approx). considering all that I believe the most likely and probably the best option can be to do it on the usual week day night dates (i.e. Tuesday-Thursday 20:30-21:30 CEST [UTC+02] approx). ok, so who's up? I think I'll try that, to promote some elite fights myself and see if it goes somewhere, nevertheless it's obviously open to anybody anyways (to some extend of course) so let me know. I think the dream event this time would be to have reigning UnFreeZe mvp ixsy clash former UnFreeZe mvp WhoAmI on a grand final to crown the ultimate mvp that will be given a shot at undisputed against all time community legend Miroslav on a super final of intergalactic proportions. we'll see, also reigning champion fau seems like it's not gonna attend so I assume the (regular) champion tittle will be vacant for pretty much anybody that shows and fully honors the competition to take it.
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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by fernandinho1337 »

I am in. I just have vacation in July (for time planning).

wrt lag compensation. can we play on unlagged and just skip the lag compensation? it is a pain in the butt to adjust to higher pings and I d rather play a ping 0 player than being buffed. how is the plan here? can we make a maximum compensation so it is not too random or something in case I have to play on OSP

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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by adminless »

great news, let's hope we can find at least one decent opponent to make it happen then. as said, unless fau change his mind and finally wanna defend his title, whoever shows up (to some extend obviously) for this will at least directly take the championship (considering they adequately complete and honor the super final against you of course). I think it would be good to give that server a proper test on the weeks to follow to be sure but as far as I know I think the "new" unlagged duels server is ready which I just really set it for this purpose. the plan is obviously to play this there with the "negative" lag compensation (i.e. delagged) and move on from the "classic" (legacy) masters one with the "positive" (i.e. added) lag compensation. needless to say, the compensation will be either negative (unlagged) or positive (added), not both at the same time. that's it, no, obviously I won't lag you on top of the unlagged at the new duels server so you don't have to worry about that. as said, unless requested and agreed by both (under those terms) the matches will be played on the new duels server so unless you wanna do that stuff again this time it won't happen. in general, I assume everything here will be played there from now onward, probably unless the specific situation of two players with the very same or almost the very same (-/+ 5 msecs approx) ping that could be realistically still be played on the classic server the new one seems like the most reasonable. as for the timing, as said, I'm assuming this should be just a 1-2 or 5 matches event so it should be probably all done by the second half of May. obviously all that will be really know/determined once we know who's finally gonna participate as it can't be otherwise but whatever the case is don't worry that it's just a few one on one matches so we'll stay in touch and we'll make it work, no problem.

ok, I just sent earlier a few hand picked invitations to the tops, let's see if someone gets back to start concreting things. additionally I repeat so you know, anybody from the ffa or the cpm masters promo event is prequalified and invited to participate if they want as well as obviously this is open to anybody else around that wanna give it a shot too, just join here to make it happen.
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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by fernandinho1337 »

ok sounds nice. I think I would request to play all games on the new server with negative compensation then.

I think I owe heero a match so he should be playing

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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by adminless »

hehe that's the plan (for the server) sure heero obviously is on the list of invited notorious community players to participate beside he already participated on the cpm masters promo event. we'll see hopefully on the next days/weeks, as said, I'll leave this open for two weeks approx to see how joins and then we'll decide what do do. that's it, hopefully at least a few games happen.
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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by Semisek48 »

Hi, I will be happy to join.
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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by adminless »

exciting news noted you then, stay in touch for the fight dates/matchups in some weeks. additionally I also recruited before all time community great and time and time again eternal mvp nominee -=ASS=-^RICKY!! for this so still at the wait of more people it looks at least it's happening and there will be somebody to give a decent game to Miroslav on a stellar super final. he said, availability will be scarce as usual due life commitments so we'll have to discuss about dates, may be weekends work out better for him. additionally he also said that he looks forward taking on another small UnFreeZe event/cup on the summer along his clan when the availability will be higher to avenge their last showing at the previous league.
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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by fernandinho1337 »

have you reached whoami and heero-2b? rh and champi would be nice too since it is unlagged. i feel it could be time to pass on the title to a worthy successor ;-)

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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by adminless »

sure, I sent invitations so far to ixsy, ami, heero, dawidov, ricky and plumse that made a great impression at the Team Moskva versus Team UnFreeZe undisputed mega fight and that has been active as well lately. so far, only ricky reached back today to join, heero reached back as well yesterday and said that would need to test further the server to commit. I heard nothing from the rest of the invitations so far.
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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

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btw just as a small reminder here in case somebody missed it and/or it's interested signing closes this weekend to proceed with the matchups on the second half of May so don't waste this great opportunity. so far, it appears that it's gonna be a thing of three, with a grand final between ricky and semi to crown the champ that then will battle Miroslav in a once in a lifetime super final. it appears the (regular) final could probably go the next Thursday 18 of May of 2023 21:00 CEST (UTC+02) and if so the super final the Sunday 21 21:00 CEST (UTC+02). if 21:00 CEST it's just not suitable, I think 18:00 CEST could be a option at those dates. if those dates, doesn't work then we can just look for another ones within these days, no problem, we'll talk. additionally if at least four players shows there're probably the possibility to add miro to the normal bracket and then make third place final as well by the weekend we'll decide that.
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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by fernandinho1337 »

yea im in. i rather play sooner than later ^^
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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by adminless »

ok, enough said, it's saturday afternoon and I haven't heard anything else more about this so I assume that then this will be it and it will just go semi-ricky on the grand final this (incoming) week (yet to determine of course) and then the super final against miroslav as stated previously. ok, PM's/mails for that sent now to the appropriate persons (ricky and semi) then when you can please let me know when you can do it to proceed with the picks as usual. as said, it's gonna be just two games so the dates shouldn't be a big deal, I believe there's probably like a ten days margin to make that happen then when you can just let me know. good luck and have fun.
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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by adminless »

ok guys finally here we have the public card for the exciting fpsclassico masters 23 grand final finally happening tomorrow:
  • stage: fpsclassico masters 23 grand final
  • matchup: Ricky vs Semi
  • date: Thursday 18 of May of 2023 19:00 CEST (UTC+02)
  • gtv: fpsclasico.de:27972 or fpsclasico.eu:27972 (IPv4 Only)
  • draw:
    • ricky (a): hub3aeroq3 (-), pro-q3dm6, pukka3tourney2
    • semi (b): hektik_b3 (-), pro-nodm9, pro-q3tourney7
    • tie-breakers: ztn3tourney1 (a-), hub3tourney1, pro-q3tourney4 (b-)
  • maps: pro-q3dm6 , pro-nodm9 , pro-q3tourney7 , pukka3tourney2 , hub3tourney1
  • format: best of five 10 mins classic duels
unfortunately for other than confirming the date Ricky missed to properly communicate about the blocks which means the ones displayed there were overruled by me. other than that, remember that everyone can spec this great battle that will decide this year champion at the gtv server on the port 27972 of the usual server addresses so please have fun and catch you all tomorrow in-game.
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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

Post by adminless »

breaking Ricky just have won the Grand Final dominating Semisek on all three starting maps to become fpsclassico masters 23 champion and meet super champion Miroslav on the super final to determine next week. videos coming tomorrow as usual. ggs.

update: turned out there was a spectators chat bug that prevented me to chat with the players in-game. I was there since the beginning and didn't really figured it out until last game. yes, unfortunately I hadn't tested the chat feature (particularly to chat with myself while playing and referring at the same time) of that server earlier. will fix on next round (already patched), sorry for the inconvenience. for other than that I think the server worked just fine. the in-game referring was a 3:0 win for Ricky with the first map ko'ed in favor of Ricky due semi broken connection.
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Re: fpsclassico masters 23 tournament

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ok, I think that finally everything completed and revised now with the grand final, great games. the YouTube fallback videos will produce them separately on the next days as I think that by now I'll just upload them there as (true) upscaled versions of the same already posted inside ones which will take a new format (i.e. time) and combined match stats in fashion with the UnFreeZe events (that also take some time to make another format, although much less time) that hopefully I'll post later today. overall I think it was a great grand final and finally Ricky stellar moment in the community that secured a individual tittle still at the wait of the highly anticipated super final match up against number one contender Miroslav. from what I saw as I said I think the setup worked perfectly and I believe that it overall played better. the unlagged definitively drove the accuracy high to similar UnFreeZe values without totally ruining the game balance/dynamic, at least so far, which was always the main concern/complain with the classic/"modern" setup. it was unfortunate the spectators chat "bug" (restriction rather bug, already fixed) that I failed to anticipate but for the rest it was great event.

as for the super final, I already have miro ready "as we speak" for the challenge with home maps cpm24, q3tourney2, storm3tourney1, hub3aeroq3, ztn3tourney1 so just waiting to hear from Ricky now in the coming days to make it happen and keep this updated.