Need some pro advices here. I joined the 22th at around 11:23pm the FFA server and faced a unique guy (named UnnamedPlayer") connected in the serv which was playing around with the bot alone.
When I came, I had really hard time trying to kill him, that was really suspect, as never someone killed me such with the LG, rails mainly. It looks like the guy is using WH or something, but not sure. Also, a suspision of auto shoot or nice alienatic aim.
The thing is that the guy is playing with 145ms constantly, so its even more suspect.
Once another guy joined the server, I made some spec and recorded. The 'cheater' makes normal/good movements while not excellent ones. And his aim looks solid but kind of weird sometimes, especially when you look the demo, you really feels the rails weird with its 145ms, the lag is incredible.
I never seen someone played like this with 145ms constant, wo I'am putting this file to ask you guys some advices if cheat or not, many thanks