Aimbot/Wallhack on duel server

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Aimbot/Wallhack on duel server

Post by RH »

I swear there are not that many aimbots in q3, I just some how happen to run into all of them somehow lmao

beat this guy though since from his first kill on I was extremely suspicious and played it safe with some +back railing and rocket spam, only going in for LG when he didn't have it out and I had a massive stack advantage.

This guy I actually ran into on q3msk a few months ago and mentioned to the q3msk admin (well I mentioned it to Shtayga and he mentioned it to the q3msk admin). Not the first time spotting him with suspicious play, previously was just on q3msk unlag and he was hitting >60 LG vs me on ztn. I believe he still lost that game lol

Just played him on the fps clasico duel server (not masters). Player name is Pon4ik. It seemed kind of odd where his predictions were, as well as the level of accuracy (basically 100%). Heavily favored rail/lg and didn't time items.

My name in the demo is pon5ik and the demo is from my pov, had to pov swap with wolfcam as per usual since there were no spectators. I found a few obvious points, such as snapping to perfect tracking in a few fights, a couple fights that make me think he had auto shoot cutting out LG when he lost sight with perfect consistency, and a couple really obvious moments of wallhacking that made me laugh uncontrollably.

Demo is attached. I'll make some mp4 clips like the ones I share on discord and see if the forum will attach those as well, otherwise I'll throw them up on the q3a discord just for entertainment purposes :D
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Re: Aimbot/Wallhack on duel server

Post by adminless »

that's just the same Herrasse dude you reported previously as well as the wheresrapha dude at the main servers. probably for other than you I haven't really spotted him ruining other games besides bot play but it's ok I guess I'll just ban him now. thanks for report.
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Re: Aimbot/Wallhack on duel server

Post by RH »

IMO if he is cheating on a server at all, even versus bots, then he should be banned. If he wants to mess around with cheats, which I think is still bad, then he should at least do it locally and not on servers. Its your server though, so you do what you feel you need to.

I did actually play Herrasse on the q3msk all weapons ffa server briefly and he seemed to average a more normal 30% lg there with lots of people so the two games i've played him in 1v1, the experience with more players around, and if he is the same pon4ik i ran into months ago, I can say with 100% certainty he is cheating at least when there are no spectators.

I think I will forward this information over to the other admins and see if they want to ban him on other servers as well since its pretty lame to have spotted him in multiple places and multiple times now.

I have mp4 clips rendering. Lots of him just staring at me through walls, shooting walls, and snapping to tracking. If not, those will be on the q3a discord for anyone to watch. Not as good as watching the full demo, but little clips of the funny stuff is nice :) Its normally very hard to spot a wallhack, particularly if you don't have a full game from their pov, so the fact he was so blatant that I can see it with woflcam pov swapping is funny.
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Re: Aimbot/Wallhack on duel server

Post by RH »

It seems the fpsclasico forums do not want to add .mp4 files :( If adminless wants to see them I can send them some other way. For everyone else, I just posted 15 short clips taken from this short 3 minute game in the q3a discord's media channel. Demos should be used as proof with full context, and the clips are just more of a highlight real than anything. My POV is going up on igmdb because I love beating hackers :D
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Re: Aimbot/Wallhack on duel server

Post by adminless »

if the guy would be a regular or a well known player he would obviously be banned right away but being just a random out of nowhere it's probably just not that important. that being said now obviously if he is gonna become a recurrent issue and mess up the games here and there I'll ban him. anyways, just saying I already banned him before. as for video files, no the forum doesn't (directly) take video files for both security and technical reasons (people uploading shit and/or people flooding the server with teras of video for example) since it's not meant to be a (direct) video service for the people. now if you wanna share video on this forum you have a couple of options, the simple of them is just to upload it to YouTube and link it here, the other could be to upload it anywhere else and embed it here with video tags.
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Re: Aimbot/Wallhack on duel server

Post by adminless »

btw in case you wonder this is the whole nicks history of the dude.

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